Introducing the Brand New Henry Wag Dog Drying Bag – available NOW!!!!
The Dog Drying Bag is made from top quality, highly absorbent microfibre material which is really effective at removing dirt and water from a dog’s coat.
Cleanliness and hygiene are vital when providing high levels of care for your pet. Removing water and dirt reduces the risk of infection and protects interior furnishings. The advanced microfibre technology in our products easily removes dirt and locks it away. It absorbs more water and dries more quickly than regular towels.
The microfibre Dog Drying bag from Henry Wag has is made using highly absorbent microfibre material which is effective at removing dirt and water from a dog’s coat. Use after wet walks to enclose your dog to wick away the water and dirt leaving your dog clean and dry. Ideal for use on soggy doggy’s after wet, muddy walks to protect car and home interiors.
Measurements are based on Neck to tail size
We dont normally stock XS and XL but if you ask we can get in.